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申博菲律宾app Wealth Tracker Disclosures

Last updated July 2024

Investment-Related Disclosures

《申慱sunbet手机版》中提供的财务见解和计算完全基于您作为我们服务的用户所提供的信息, 包括您所链接的第三方金融申慱sunbet手机版的账户数据,以及历史市场回报和显示或选择的假设.

财富追踪所提供的所有信息仅供说明,并作为对您的礼貌. We do not represent, warrant, or guarantee the accuracy of any information presented in Wealth Tracker, including but not limited to estimates or calculations. Accordingly, none of the information presented by Wealth Tracker is intended to be, nor should it be considered or relied upon as, investment or financial advice. Similarly, 在财富追踪器中向您提供的信息不应被解释为出售或征求购买任何证券的要约. 虽然我们提供的见解可能会帮助您更好地了解您的财务状况, 所显示的见解是基于您提供的有限信息,可能并不代表您的整个财务状况. 阁下在作出任何投资决定或更改个人投资前,应谘询专业顾问的意见, financial, or tax planning strategies. As always, past investment performance is not a guarantee of future returns, nor is it necessarily indicative of future performance, which may be less favorable or negative. 正如管理您使用财富追踪器的使用条款中进一步解释的那样, 对于因您使用财富追踪器而造成的任何损失,我们概不负责.

Excluded Assets Disclosure

以便对您的投资组合当前的风险和未来增长的潜力提供更准确的评估, we rely on various capital market assumptions for each asset class. Due to the composition of certain asset classes, 我们无法提供准确的标准差或回报假设. These asset classes include: Foreign Currency, Other/Unclassified Fixed Income, Options, Other/Unclassified Equity, Managed Futures, Multi-Asset Class Alternatives, Other/Unclassified Alternatives, Structured Products, Multi-Asset Class Other, Other/Unclassified, and Unknown.

如果您的任何资产在“帐户详情-资产”页面上被归类为被排除的资产类别, we will not include those in the following Investment Analysis panels: Overview Page – Risk Comparison; Risk Review Page – Risk Comparison; 20-Year Range of Returns; Risk vs. Reward; Upside/Downside and Risk Characteristics; and Portfolio Simulation Page.

Data included in the Investment Analysis pages can be delayed, 并且显示的帐户信息将是可用的最新数据.

Portfolio Simulation

投资组合模拟为您提供了一个模拟的可能的投资结果范围,该范围基于使用某些假设的历史回报的随机抽样, which are further explained below. The Portfolio Simulation illustrated in Wealth Tracker generated 1,000 iterations, 得到一系列值,进一步分析这些值,以展示三种结果. 增长中位数(平均结果)演示了在50%的迭代中出现的假设值. 乐观者展示了一个假设值,它出现在最高十分位数(第90百分位)的开始。, 而悲观主义者则在最低十分位数(第10个百分位数)的开始处给出一个假设值。.

本例中的投资组合模拟计算基于当前和目标投资组合的投资组合回报率和投资组合标准差(波动性), the Total Investments value, and the historical time period analyzed (which is 10 years or less, (取决于历史投资组合数据的可用性),而不考虑历史通货膨胀, cash flows, or fees and expenses. 改变这些变量中的任何一个都会影响实现结果的可能性.

重要提示:投资组合模拟分析工具生成的关于各种投资结果可能性的信息本质上是假设的, does not reflect actual investment results, and is not a guarantee or projection of future results. 此投资组合模拟是为了说明波动性和不确定性随时间的影响,应与您的财务顾问仔细审查. Results may vary with each use and, over time, 市场波动可能比组合模拟所代表的更为极端. 您还应该注意到,在市场危机期间,模拟的准确性会降低. 不要依赖本报告的结果来预测任何投资或投资策略的实际未来表现.

Risk Profile

风险概况有助于确定投资者对不确定性的适应程度, complexities, 以及投资市场固有的潜在波动,并已在制定目标风险评分时予以考虑. 影响风险概况的一些主要因素是投资者的:(1)年龄和投资时间范围, (2) present financial condition and future economic outlook, (3) investment objective, and (4) income/investment choices and comfort with market variability. Taken together, 这些和其他因素表明投资者愿意接受一定程度的投资风险,以实现他们的长期财务目标.

回报假设不反映任何特定产品,也不包括投资于特定产品可能产生的任何费用或费用. 特定产品的实际回报可能比显示的回报多或少. Financial forecasts, rates of return, risk, inflation, and other assumptions may be used as the basis for illustrations. Results may vary with each use and over time.

Risk Profile Definitions

  1. 保守型:保守型投资者重视保护本金而非寻求增值. 这种投资者愿意接受较低的回报来换取较高的流动性和/或稳定性. 一般来说,保守型投资者主要寻求将风险和本金损失降到最低.

  2. 适度保守:适度保守的投资者重视本金保值, 但愿意接受一定程度的风险和波动,以寻求一定程度的升值. This investor desires greater liquidity, is willing to accept lower returns, and is willing to accept minimal losses.

  3. 中度:中度投资者同样重视降低风险和提高回报. 这种投资者愿意接受适度的风险,以寻求更高的长期回报. 适度的投资者可能会承受短期本金损失和较低的流动性,以换取长期的升值.

  4. 中等成长型:中等成长型投资者看重较高的长期回报,并愿意接受相当大的风险. 这种投资者愿意接受短期波动,以换取长期升值. 温和成长型投资者愿意忍受较大的短期本金损失,以换取更高的长期回报潜力. Liquidity is a secondary concern to a Moderate Growth investor.

  5. 适度进取型:适度进取型投资者主要看重较高的长期回报,并愿意接受重大风险. 这位投资者认为,较高的长期回报比保护本金更重要. 一个适度激进的投资者可能会为了潜在的更高的长期回报而承受巨大的损失. Liquidity may not be a concern to a Moderately Aggressive investor.

  6. 积极进取型:积极进取型投资者重视回报最大化,并愿意接受重大风险. 这位投资者认为最大化长期回报比保护本金更重要. 激进的投资者可能承受巨大的波动和巨大的损失. Liquidity is generally not a concern to an Aggressive investor.

Risk Profile Target Portfolios

Asset Category Conservative Moderately Conservative Moderate Moderate Growth Moderately Aggressive Aggressive
Cash 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
U.S. Government Fixed Income 45% 33% 23% 16% 8% 0%
U.S. Corporate Fixed Income 24% 17% 13% 8% 6% 0%
High-Yield Bonds 6% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0%
U.S. Large Cap Equity 12% 22% 29% 35% 40% 47.5%
U.S. Small Cap Equity 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 5%
International Developed Equity 9% 17% 23% 27% 31% 37.7%
Emerging Markets Equity 3% 5% 6% 8% 9% 9.8%

Asset Class Risk Disclosures

固定收益——投资于债券和对利率敏感的证券, it is important to note that as interest rates rise, bond prices will fall. 高收益债券-高收益债券比高质量债券有更大的信用风险. 小盘股-小公司的股票可能比大公司的股票风险更大,更不稳定, more established company stocks. 国际-国际投资受货币波动和政治及经济事件的风险影响. 新兴市场-投资于新兴市场可能比投资于较发达国家涉及更大的风险和波动.


Index Descriptions


Asset Class Benchmark Proxy Benchmark Definition
Cash and Equivalents Bloomberg U.S. 1-3 Month Treasury The Bloomberg U.S. 政府/信用1-3年期债券指数包括所有中型和大型美国国债.S. government, investment-grade corporate, 投资级国际美元计价债券,期限为1至3年,公开发行.
Foreign Currency Bloomberg U.S. 1-3 Month Treasury The Bloomberg U.S. 政府/信用1-3年期债券指数包括所有中型和大型美国国债.S. government, investment-grade corporate, 投资级国际美元计价债券,期限为1至3年,公开发行.
U.S. Corporate Fixed Income Bloomberg U.S. Corporate IG The Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Index covers U.S. dollar-denominated, investment-grade, fixed-rate, taxable securities sold by industrial, utility, and financial issuers. It includes publicly issued U.S. 公司债券和外国债券以及达到规定期限的担保票据, liquidity, and quality requirements. Securities in the index roll up to the U.S. Credit and U.S. Aggregate Indices.
U.S. Government Fixed Income Bloomberg U.S. Government 包括彭博政府债券指数和彭博信用债券指数中的所有债券. 彭博政府债券指数衡量的是美国政府发行的所有公开发行的债务证券.S. government or its agencies, 以及准联邦公司或由美国政府担保的公司债务.S. government. The Bloomberg Credit Bond Index includes all publicly issued, fixed-rate, nonconvertible, investment-grade, dollar-denominated, SEC-registered corporate debt.
U.S. Municipal Fixed Income Bloomberg U.S. Muni Bond The Bloomberg U.S. Municipal Bond Index covers the U.S. dollar-denominated, long-term, tax-exempt bond market. 该指数有四个主要板块:国家和地方一般债务债券, revenue bonds, insured bonds, and pre-refunded bonds.
High-Yield Fixed Income Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High Yield The Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High-Yield Bond Index covers the U.S. 美元计价、非投资级、固定利率、应税的公司债券市场. 如果穆迪、惠誉、S等评级为中等,就属于高收益证券&P is Ba1/BB+/BB+ or below. The index excludes Emerging Markets debt. The U.S. Corporate High-Yield Bond Index is part of the U.S. Universal and Global High-Yield Indices.
International Fixed Income Bloomberg Global Agg ex-USD 一种市值加权指数,包括应计利息,涵盖全球投资级中流动性最强的部分, fixed-rate bond market, including government, credit, and collateralized securities, excluding those issued in the United States.
Convertible Bonds Bloomberg U.S. Convertible Bond The Bloomberg U.S. 可转换复合材料是由可转换组件的美国.S. Corporate High-Yield Index.
Multi Asset Class Fixed Income Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index is comprised of the Bloomberg Capital U.S. 政府/信贷指数及巴克莱资本按揭证券指数. All issues in the index are rated investment grade or higher, have at least one year to maturity, and have an outstanding par value of at least $100 million.
Other/Unclassified Fixed Income Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index is comprised of the Bloomberg Capital U.S. 政府/信贷指数及巴克莱资本按揭证券指数. All issues in the index are rated investment grade or higher, have at least one year to maturity, and have an outstanding par value of at least $100 million.
U.S. Large Cap Equity Bloomberg 1000 The Bloomberg U.S. 1000指数是美国市值最高的1000家股票的浮动市值加权基准.S. companies.
U.S. Mid Cap Equity Bloomberg Mid Cap The Bloomberg U.S. 中盘股指数是彭博美国指数中市值较低的800只股票的浮动市值加权基准.S. 1000 Index.
U.S. Small Cap Equity Bloomberg 2000 The Bloomberg U.S. 2000 Index is a float market-cap-weighted benchmark of the lower 2,000 in capitalization of the Bloomberg U.S. 3000 Index.
International Developed Equity MSCI EAFE (Gross) The MSCI EAFE Index (Europe, Australasia, 和远东)是一个自由浮动调整的市值指数,旨在衡量发达市场的股票市场表现, excluding the U.S. and Canada.
Emerging Markets Equity MSCI EM (Gross) The Europe, Middle East, and Africa Index is a free float-adjusted, 市值加权指数,用来衡量欧洲新兴市场国家的股票市场表现, the Middle East, and Africa.
Options S&P 500 Index The Standard & 普尔500指数是一个市值加权指数,通常被认为是美国股市的代表.S. large capitalization market.
Preferred Stocks S&P Preferred Stock Index The S&P U.S. 优先股指数旨在满足投资界对代表美国经济的可投资基准的需求.S. preferred stock market. 优先股是按特定比率支付股息的一类股本,在支付股息和清算资产方面优于普通股.
Multi Asset Class Equity Bloomberg 3000 Index The Bloomberg U.S. 3000指数是美国市值最高的3000家股票的浮动市值加权基准.S. companies.
Other/Unclassified Equity MSCI AC World (Gross) The MSCI World Index is a free float-adjusted, 市值加权指数,用来衡量发达市场的股票市场表现.
Commodities Bloomberg Commodity 以超额回报为基础计算,反映商品期货价格变动. The index rebalances annually, weighted two-thirds by trading volume and one-third by world production, and weight-capitalizations are applied at the commodity, sector, and group level for diversification. 北京商品交易所所包含的每一种商品的权重都是按照相关规则计算的,以确保每一种基础商品的相对比例反映其全球经济重要性和市场流动性.
Real Estate NCREIF Property NCREIF房地产指数是一个季度时间序列综合总回报率衡量指标,衡量的是在私人市场上购买的大量个人商业房地产的投资表现,这些房地产仅用于投资目的.
Managed Futures HFRI Macro (Total) HFRI宏观(总)指数代表投资经理进行广泛的策略交易,其中投资过程是基于潜在经济变量的变动以及这些变量对股票的影响, fixed income, hard currency, and commodity markets. Managers employ a variety of techniques, both discretionary and systematic analysis, combinations of top down and bottom up theses, quantitative and fundamental approaches, and long-term and short-term holding periods. Although some strategies employ relative value techniques, 宏观策略不同于相对价值策略,因为主要投资主题是基于基础工具的预测或未来走势, rather than realization of a valuation discrepancy between securities. In a similar way, while both macro and equity hedge managers may hold equity securities, 最重要的投资理论是基于潜在宏观经济变量的变动可能对证券价格产生的影响, as opposed to equity hedge, 其中,公司的基本特征是最重要的,是投资论文的组成部分.
Structured Products MSCI AC World (Gross) The MSCI World Index is a free float-adjusted, 市值加权指数,用来衡量发达市场的股票市场表现.
Private Assets Bloomberg Micro Cap The Bloomberg U.S. 微型股票指数是美国股票的浮动市值加权基准.S. 总市值低于2500的股票指数.
Directional Alternatives HFRI Macro (Total) HFRI宏观(总)指数代表投资经理进行广泛的策略交易,其中投资过程是基于潜在经济变量的变动以及这些变量对股票的影响, fixed income, hard currency, and commodity markets. Managers employ a variety of techniques, both discretionary and systematic analysis, combinations of top down and bottom up theses, quantitative and fundamental approaches, and long-term and short-term holding periods. Although some strategies employ relative value techniques, 宏观策略不同于相对价值策略,因为主要投资主题是基于基础工具的预测或未来走势, rather than realization of a valuation discrepancy between securities. In a similar way, while both macro and equity hedge managers may hold equity securities, 最重要的投资理论是基于潜在宏观经济变量的变动可能对证券价格产生的影响, as opposed to equity hedge, 其中,公司的基本特征是最重要的,是投资论文的组成部分.
Non-Directional Alternatives HFRI RV: Multistrategy 多重投资策略采用一种投资理论,以实现相关收益工具之间的利差为基础,其中利差的一个或多个组成部分包含固定收益, derivative, equity, real estate, master limited partnership, or combination of these or other instruments. 战略通常是定量驱动的,以衡量工具和之间的现有关系, in some cases, 确定有吸引力的头寸,其中这些工具之间的风险调整价差对投资经理来说是一个有吸引力的机会. In many cases, 这些策略可以作为车辆直接分配的不同策略存在, 或者可以作为单个个体或决策过程管理的相关策略存在. 多元策略并非旨在提供最广泛的大众市场投资者吸引力, 但它们与其他套利策略最常见的区别在于,它们希望在两种或两种以上的策略中保持超过30%的投资组合敞口,这些策略彼此之间有明显的区别,预计会对不同的市场影响做出反应.
Multi Asset Class Alternatives HFRI Fund Weighted Composite HFRI基金加权综合指数是许多对冲基金经理使用的等加权指数,作为其对冲基金的基准. HFRI指数的所有单经理成分都包含在HFRI基金加权综合指数中, which accounts for over 2,200 funds listed on the HFR database. Funds included in the index must report monthly returns, report net of all fees returns, report assets in U.S. dollars, 管理的资产至少有5,000万美元,或者活跃交易至少12个月.
Other/Unclassified Alternatives HFRI Fund Weighted Composite HFRI基金加权综合指数是许多对冲基金经理使用的等加权指数,作为其对冲基金的基准. HFRI指数的所有单经理成分都包含在HFRI基金加权综合指数中, which accounts for over 2,200 funds listed on the HFR database. Funds included in the index must report monthly returns, report net of all fees returns, report assets in U.S. dollars, 管理的资产至少有5,000万美元,或者活跃交易至少12个月.
Multi Asset Class Other MSCI AC World (Gross) The MSCI World Index is a free float-adjusted, 市值加权指数,用来衡量发达市场的股票市场表现.
Other/Unclassified MSCI AC World (Gross) The MSCI World Index is a free float-adjusted, 市值加权指数,用来衡量发达市场的股票市场表现.

Returns do not account for fees or trading costs. 指数是不受管理的,不可能直接投资于指数. For simplicity, we assume no taxes on portfolio growth.

Exchange Traded Funds

Investors should consider an ETF’s investment objective, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus, which contains this and other important information, 是否可从投资公司的网站获得,在投资前应仔细阅读.

$10,000 Growth Chart Disclosure

This graph represents the growth of a hypothetical investment of $10,000. 它假设股息和资本收益的再投资,并反映持续的基金费用, but does not reflect sales loads, redemption fees, or the effects of taxes on any capital gains and/or distributions. Sales charges and taxation would reduce the performance shown. 如本基金的成立日期少于上文所示的期间, the Since Inception period is shown. 该图表以对数尺度绘制,并按比例缩放,以便纵轴的全长代表投资价值的十倍增长. 指收益率在图表所示期间增长超过十倍的证券, the vertical axis has been compressed accordingly.

Pricing and Fees Disclosures

Front-End Sales Load-销售负担就像投资者从经纪人那里购买任何类型的证券时支付的佣金. 尽管销售负荷最常用于补偿分配基金份额的外部经纪人, some funds that do not use outside brokers still charge sales loads. Investors pay a front-end sales load when they purchase fund shares, which is deducted from the initial investment amount.

Back-End Sales Load-销售负担就像投资者从经纪人那里购买任何类型的证券时支付的佣金. 尽管销售负荷最常用于补偿分配基金份额的外部经纪人, some funds that do not use outside brokers still charge sales loads. 投资者在赎回股票时支付后端或延期销售费用, which is deducted from the redemption proceeds.

Net Expense Ratio- The expense ratio reflects the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets. 净费用比率是指在任何费用被基金管理层免除和/或部分承担后的基金净费用.

Management Fee-管理费是指从基金资产中支付给基金投资顾问(或其联属公司)的费用,用于管理基金的投资组合,以及应付给投资顾问的行政费用.

12b-1 Expense Fee- A 12b-1 fee is charged by the mutual fund company to pay for marketing, advertising, and distribution services.

Gross Expense Ratio - The expense ratio reflects the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets. 毛费比率是指基金招股说明书所载的实际基金费用.

Data Sources

本网站提供的任何报价或信息可能会被金融交易所或信息提供商延迟,并且可能无法反映所报价证券的买卖价格. 您不应根据此类报价或通过本网站访问的其他信息作出买卖证券的任何决定.

The financial market information accessible through this Site, including quotes, price charts, 其他金融市场数据已从第三方信息提供者或各种证券市场获得, such as stock exchanges, and is believed to be reliable. The accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or sequencing of the information is not guaranteed by 申博菲律宾app, its affiliates, or any persons transmitting the information. There is no warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the information accessed by or through this Site. 申博菲律宾app or its affiliates shall not have any responsibility for direct, indirect, consequential, special, 或您因依赖本网站所载的信息而可能招致的其他损害,或因传输或交付任何部分信息的延误或错误而造成的损害.